“Code of the Streets.” Through out the days of our normal lives many crimes are committed all across the United States as well as all over the world. Many people then become victims of a crime or just mentally influenced by some daily life pressures from the neighborhoods that surround them, including economical, family descendant traditions, judicial system failures and sometimes starting at early child hood; and the structure of the poor class it is known as “code of the streets” that influence many lives. Which at times can cause a drift in families to either become successful from a lower class category into a middle class expectation level or become a rebel to society with the lack of organization if failed to succeed, which evolves into crimes from individuals. One major prominent sociological theoretical explanation that Elijah Anderson gives about is economic explanation deprivation-best explains crime in inner city communities.
Problems that erupt in cities that are common are muggings, burglaries, and car theft as well as drug involvements. All which come from poor background people with low incomes that fail to support themselves, which are constantly arrested. “ None is more pressing than that of interpersonal violence and aggression. It wreaks havoc daily lives of community residents and increasingly over spills over into downtown and residential middle class areas.” The violence increases among the poor ghetto groups, which lack of jobs do not help pay living expenses, stable foundation to raise children and the more eagerness to use drugs to help stimulate the immensely pressures of society.
At times trying to prevent crimes and drug abuse from happening change the trust that the society has for people who are known as criminals or the ghetto and lose interest in getting to know an individual or even less trying to help random people become successful for previous awareness of violence, which evolves as time goes on into something more complex. “This environment means that even youngsters whose home lives reflect mainstream values-and the majority of homes in the community must be able to handle themselves in a street oriented environment.” A person that grows up in areas known as the ghetto follow a certain guideline “Code of the street,” which is to set informal rules governing interpersonal public behaviors. The code is largely created for a defensive purpose to operate the public low class communities. However, many families inherit these traits to their children, which becomes embedded so deep that it is hard to avoid. Gangs and other organized crimes grow larger and put pressure in the community. By causing crime to be silenced or to keep their respect in their area they live in, to avoid severe consequences from others.
More and more poverty areas are happening as the economy keeps declining and less resources are available to people who are seeking opportunities to escape from there neighborhoods for the fears of sinking more into crime and their children not having a decent life. Calling for help decreases when violent crimes erupt and police fail to so up, cause a drift in society from the judicial system to protect their community from become victims from the criminals. Budgets are a big influence that the city and state fail to provide. So, low income families choose to keep there reputation in their area, so that they can be avoided from individuals who commit crimes and the respect keeps going and will not be bothered from their surroundings. “The code of the streets is actually a cultural adaption to a profound lack of faith in the police and the judicial system.”
The hardship reality is passed down to the future generations and continues to grow as time goes on and the economy gets worse, people need to fulfill their needs to support them selves including committing crimes and illegal sales. A better solution that would better the economy would help people to have jobs and something to look forward on to supporting themselves and their loved ones. As long as they follow the code of the streets they are a little safer than usual. Which parents are motivated to pass down to their children so that they can adapt with society, as I can relate to my early childhood.
At a junior high school I once went to, had many low-income families, as well as many known thugs. When I first arrived it looked as if there were no people living in the apartment complex with nice grass two story builds, but little did I know a drive by had just occurred. The only reason we moved to that area was because my parents had separated and both lost their jobs and it was cheaper for my mother who couldn’t find work and barely enough to get by. Once I got to know other kids in the area they showed me around to get to know my surroundings who to stay away from and who to hang out with if I wanted to be safe. I was confused on way I had to do what they said but later I knew it was for a reason people that did not get welcomed from certain groups would suffer consequences for being it the wrong area and families who’s parents were okay never got their cars broken into and could leave there children’s bicycle outside all day and night and no one would steal it as to someone they didn’t car for they got every thing taken from them.
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